Norway Condemns Settler Violence in West Bank

April 25, 2024 Hour: 5:49 am

On Wednesday, Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide expressed deep concern over the recent escalation of settler violence in the West Bank, highlighting the severe impact on Palestinian civilians and the broader implications for regional peace and stability.


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In a statement, Eide said the surge in violence has resulted in civilian casualties, the destruction of homes and private property, and the displacement of entire communities.

He pointed out that these acts of aggression exacerbate the already tense situation in the region, especially amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

“The violence in the West Bank poses a significant threat to peace and stability and hinders any progress toward a Palestinian state and the much-needed two-state solution,” he said.

The minister criticized the longstanding issue of impunity and the failure to hold those responsible for settler violence accountable. As the occupying power, Israel is required by international law to protect the Palestinian civilian population, said Eide.

“Norway has long held the position that Israel’s policy of building settlements on occupied land is in violation of international law and must cease,” he said.

In response to the escalating violence, Norway has aligned with the European Union, adopting sanctions against extremist settlers in the West Bank as of April 19.

Autor: teleSUR/ JF

Fuente: Xinhua

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